
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Licensing Exam Quiz: Which Came First?

Here's a new quiz to test your knowledge about social work-related federal statutes. Does this stuff show up on the social work exam? Answer: sometimes!

Place the following federal laws in chronological order:
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Affordable Care Act
  • Patient Self Determination Act
  • Civil Rights Act
  • Voting Rights Act
  • Indian Child Welfare Act
Which came first, which came last? Give yourself bonus points for knowing what each set out to achieve!

Answers in comments.

Some places to read up:

1 comment:

  1. Scroll down for answer...

    Civil Rights Act (1964)
    Voting Rights Act (1965)
    Indian Child Welfare Act (1978)
    Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
    Patient Self Determination Act (1990)
    Affordable Care Act (2010)
