
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Motivational Interviewing and the ASWB Exam

Motivational interviewing comes up in regular social work practice all the time, even if people don't always refer to what they're doing as motivational interview. Same goes for the ASWB exam. Knowing motivational interviewing basics will help you in your practice and help you pass the test. So get learning!. Here are some basics via Wikipedia:

Motivational interviewing (MI) refers to a counseling approach in part developed by clinical psychologists Professor William R Miller, Ph.D. and Professor Stephen Rollnick, Ph.D. Motivational Interviewing is a method that works on facilitating and engaging intrinsic motivation within the client in order to change behavior.[2] MI is a goal-oriented, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. Compared with non-directive counseling, it's more focused and goal-directed. It departs from traditional Rogerian client-centered therapy through this use of direction, in which therapists attempt to influence clients to consider making changes, rather than non-directively explore themselves. The examination and resolution of ambivalence is a central purpose, and the counselor is intentionally directive in pursuing this goal.

A few key points in MI (also via Wikipedia):
  1. Motivation to change is elicited from the client, and is not imposed from outside forces.
  2. It is the client's task, not the counselor's, to articulate and resolve the client's ambivalence.
  3. Direct persuasion is not an effective method for resolving ambivalence.
  4. The counseling style is generally quiet and elicits information from the client.
  5. The counselor is directive, in that they help the client to examine and resolve ambivalence.
  6. Readiness to change is not a trait of the client, but a fluctuating result of interpersonal interaction.
  7. The therapeutic relationship resembles a partnership or companionship.
Sound familiar?

Here's MI summed up in a 17 minute video:

For more motivational interviewing wisdom from around the web, try:
Happy studying. Happy exam-passing!

1 comment:

  1. This information was very helpful and easily understood. Thank you, dAw
