
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Really Learning the NASW Code of Ethics

We've pointed readers before to Social Work Today's "Eye on Ethics" column. Well, we're doing it again! Comfort with the NASW Code of Ethics is crucial to passing the ASWB exam. Reading Frederic Reamer's column is a great way to develop and strengthen that comfort.

You may know the code. But do you know how to apply it in close-call situations of all types (not just the ones you've encountered in social work practice)? That's what a whole lot of the licensing exam will ask you to do. Such and such happens that's ethically iffy. What is the BEST way for the social worker to proceed?

That's exactly what "Eye on Ethics" articles focus upon. Just look at the last batch published:
From the "to post" column:
One of Mr. N.'s clients, Jack S., was diagnosed with a serious form of cancer. The client's medical prognosis was poor. Mr. N., who believed in the healing power of prayer, posted a request to his online faith-based community...
Sounds like the start of a social work exam question, doesn't it? It goes on:
One of Mr. N.'s colleagues at the substance abuse treatment program was a member of the online faith-based community to which Mr. N. belonged. The colleague read Mr. N.'s online post and was very concerned that Mr. N. may have breached Jack's privacy...
Actually, this one's not too close-call as far as ethics questions go.  But click through and read. There are dozens of articles there. Write practice questions in your mind as you go. Really learn the ethics code. Pass the ASWB Exam!


  1. Love Your Blog. It is such a valuable resource. I am compiling resources to help myself and hopefully others. @ I found a pretty potent list of help guides out there. Therapist Development Center, Social Work Examination Services, The One Test Prep, just to name a few. If you could Aid me in my research with a couple recommendations of solid companies that would be so great. If not, I understand. Thanks again for all you do.

  2. Thanks, HB. That's a pretty thorough list you've put together! We'd of course put SWTP at the top, but other than that...looks done!
