
Monday, August 8, 2016

KSA of the Day: Risk Factors Related to Suicide

Here's an item on the ASWB exam outline that's good to have a deep understanding of whether or not you're prepping for the social work licensing exam: Risk factors related to suicide.

This is knowledge that can be tested for in all different manner of licensing exam questions. The ASWB exam focuses on safety above just about all else. Correctly identifying suicide risk is a vital first step in keeping clients safe. This is material worth knowing.

As you're reviewing risk factors for suicide, it's good to take note of these words from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:
There’s no single cause for suicide. Suicide most often occurs when stressors exceed current coping abilities of someone suffering from a mental health condition. Depression is the most common condition associated with suicide, and it is often undiagnosed or untreated. Conditions like depression, anxiety and substance problems, especially when unaddressed, increase risk for suicide. Yet it’s important to note that most people who actively manage their mental health conditions lead fulfilling lives.
This intro is followed by a good list of risk factors. As usual, the internet has the answers to your exam-prep questions well answered. We won't waste time writing lists from scratch, but instead point you to a few valuable sites to get up to speed on this KSA. Here you go:
There are plenty more good lists just a web search away. But these'll get you the knowledge you need on the test--and in practice. Use them well. Good luck! 

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