
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Social Worker Roles

Here's a vague item from the ASWB content outline: The types of social work interventions/treatments. That could mean more-or-less anything. The advanced generalist outline narrows down: The social worker’s role in the change process.

You may have seen a list of social work roles--broker, mediator, enabler, facilitator, and so forth. They're probably worth reviewing. As usual, we're not going to retype everything here, but instead send you off to a helpful, already completely typed, free resource on the web for the info.

Here you go:
You don't need all three links--one will do. But there they are if you're feel like extra clicking and reading. Looks like the role of this blog today is "broker"--linking the exam-prepping community with resources--helpful sites and practice tests. Hope it's helpful. Good luck on the exam!

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