
Monday, January 29, 2018

Quick Quiz: CBT Scrambled

Here are two elements of cognitive behavioral therapy spelled out on the Wikipedia CBT page. They're not central to understanding CBT for the test, but they cannot hurt either!

Your job, unscramble the lists. First, reorder these basic steps of CBT so they make basic sense:

Step ? : Determine whether critical behaviors are excesses or deficits

Step ?: Identify critical behaviors

Step ?: If excess, attempt to decrease frequency, duration, or intensity of behaviors; if deficits, attempt to increase behaviors.

Step ?: Evaluate critical behaviors for frequency, duration, or intensity (obtain a baseline)

Next, unscramble the six phases of CBT: 

     Skills acquisition;
     Post-treatment assessment follow-up;
     Skills consolidation and application training;
     Assessment or psychological assessment;
     Generalization and maintenance;

Got it? Answers are on the source page
The ASWB exam, for better or worse, doesn't have scramble-and-reorder questions like these. As you probably know, exam questions are generally vignettes--short stories taken from every day social work practice followed by question along these lines: "What should the social worker do FIRST?" The correct answer isn't always immediately clear. Practice questions in vignette form are an important part of test prep. Find some free ones here.
Good luck on the exam!

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