
Friday, March 30, 2018

Quick Quiz: DSM Grab Bag

Here's a quick quiz that jumps around within the DSM. We turned to Wikipedia's DSM-5 page for text, leaning on mood disorders. But we've left important pieces out--the names of each disorder. these disorders!

1. An unstable emotional condition characterized by cycles of abnormal, persistent high mood (mania) and low mood (depression) can best be diagnosed as ________________.

2. A __________________ diagnosis is made when the person has features of both schizophrenia and a mood disorder—either bipolar disorder or depression—but does not strictly meet diagnostic criteria for either alone.

3.  ________________ is characterized by  recurrent intermittent hypomanic and depressive episodes or mixed episodes.

4. _________________ is a mental disorder in children and adolescents characterized by a

persistently irritable or angry mood and frequent temper outbursts that are disproportionate to the situation and significantly more severe than the typical reaction of same-aged peers.

5. _________________ is an impulse control disorder characterized by a long term urge that results in the pulling out of one's hair.

6.   _________________ is an eating disorder characterized by frequent and recurrent binge eating episodes with associated negative psychological and social problems, but without subsequent purging episodes

Did you get all six? Great! You're on your way to ASWB exam success.

Note: the real exam doesn't look like this. It'd be easier if it did. For realistic exam questions--mostly in vignette form--try practice exams from SWTP. Practice makes, if not perfect, good enough to get licensed. And that's the idea.

Happy studying!

Oh, wait, you want answers? They're below. Scroll down...

1. Bipolar I disorder
2. Schizoaffective disorder
3. Bipolar II disorder
4. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD)
5. Trichotillomania
6. Binge-eating disorder

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