
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Quick Quiz: Insomnia Disorder

Here's some more DSM to get under your belt before tackling the ASWB exam--and maybe before heading to sleep.

First, here the basics--no quiz, just info:

Insomnia disorder is diagnosed when there is...
--Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or waking early without being able to return to sleep.
--Clinically significant distress d/t the above.
--Presence of symptoms at least three nights a week.
--Difficulty present for at least three months.
--Not another sleep-wake disorder.
--Not presence of substance effects.
--Not another disorder adequately explaining the disturbance.

Now, here's the quiz. Name each of these types of insomnia--specifiers:

1. _______________: Brought on by life events or changes to sleep schedule or settings.

2. _______________: Symptoms last at least one month but less than three months.

3. _______________: Symptoms last three months or longer.

4. _______________: Two or more episodes occur within the space of one year.

Got 'em answered? Scroll down to check your work.

We'd all sleep easier if the social work licensing exam were as simple as this. You'd learn some info, you'd spit it back out, you'd be licensed. The real exam involves integrating social work knowledge into social work practice. A combo of an ethical dilemma and some diagnostic info? That's more along the lines of a real exam questions. For practice with questions like those specific to the social work exam, try SWTP. And keep coming back here. We'll keep these simpler workouts coming.


1. Situational
2. Episodic
3. Persistent
4. Recurrent

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