
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Quick Quiz: Cannabis Use Disorder

We've been quizzing you on big-picture items--the contents of this or that chapter of the DSM. Let's drill down today into the weeds, so to speak, of one diagnosis: cannabis use disorder.

Text is from the DSM. A summary is here. Your job, should you accept it...fill in the blanks.

Cannabis Use Disorder

1. A problematic pattern of cannabis use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least tow of the following, occurring within a __________ month period.

2. Cannabis is often taken in ____________ or over a longer period than was intended.

3. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to _______________ cannabis use.

4. Recurrent cannabis use in situations in which it is ___________ hazardous.

5. ______________, as defined by a need for markedly increased amounts or markedly diminished effect.

6. ______________ symptoms including either irritability, anxiety, sleep difficulty, appetite changes, restlessness, depressed mood, physical symptoms.

Note additional cannabis use disorder symptoms include cravings, interpersonal problems, occupational problems, persistent physical or psychological problems.

What do you think?

You might be able to figure out several of these just by context--just like you did to get through a high school test for which you hadn't sufficiently prepared. The social work licensing exam is a little less forgiving. You're expected to know your stuff--not just the facts, but how to apply them. You can usually narrow down to two good answers out of the four. Choosing between those is tricky. Best way to work that particular muscle? Practice. Find good practice tests (like the ones at SWTP), and learn the test-taking process as you learn exam content. A win-win.

Answers are below--scroll down.

Happy studying!


1. Twelve

2. Larger amounts

3. Cut down or control

4. Physically

5. Tolerance

6. Withdrawal

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