
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Free ASWB Exam Practice

Tis the season to shower gifts on your loved ones and co-workers (and your favorite helpful bloggers?). That all costs money. Maybe you don't have lots left over to spend on exam prep. Well, happily, a certain amount of your studying can be done free of charge. Googling around will take you to free flash cards and free exam questions. SWTP has a free study guide (sign-up required). Price? Zero.

And, if you haven't seen it, here's a set of 27 free practice questions from They're good questions. But you'll have to figure out why the correct answers (included at the bottom of the doc) are the correct answers. Rationales were probably reserved for whatever class these were created for. Good study group fodder, if you've got a study group.

Also check out the Eye on Ethics column in Social Work Today magazine. Each column contains a vignette which poses just the kind of ethical and procedural quandaries that make up the exam. Only, they're not laid out in ASWB question form. You'll have to imagine what those might look like yourself.  Same goes for the information-rich episodes of the Social Work Podcast, mentioned in the previous post.

You can also piece together a half-exam's worth of free questions by trying out the free samples from various companies. Links to several of them are here.

That should keep you busy for a while. Of course--this kind of goes without saying--there's nothing like a full-length practice test to get you ready for the real thing. Include those in your study plan as well, if and when you can.

If you have additional resources to suggest, please don't hesitate to post them in comments. Social workers are helpers, but also need help sometimes.

Happy studying!

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