
Sunday, January 20, 2019

ASWB Exam Quiz: Mixed Bag II

Want to pass the ASWB exam? Here's a little workout to get you a little bit more ready. These come from all around the exam outline, just like the real thing. (Though unlike the real thing, they're not vignettes, not multiple choice questions. Good practice tests will have those.)

Quick quiz!

1. In the DSM, a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of other people that often manifests as hostility and/or aggression.

2. True or false: Biological sex, gender identity, and gender expression are all different.

3.True of false: A crisis may be different from a problem or an emergency.

4. Unpredicted or markedly successful adaptations to negative life events, trauma, stress, and other forms of risk (Greene, 2002).

5. In the DSM, clinical distress due to a perceived physical anomaly, such as a scar, the shape or size of a body part, or some other personal feature.

What do you say?

How'd you do?

If you had no idea about these...great, you have some idea about what to study (and have the answers!). If you zipped through these without a problem...great, you're getting closer and closer to being licensed. Remember, the real ASWB exam doesn't include true/false questions or direct definition questions like these. It's 170 multiple choice questions, usually vignettes that put you in real-world social work situations with less-than-obvious correct answers. To be sure you're ready, practice a bunch--full-time practice tests are ideal.

Answers are below. Scroll down...……..

1. Antisocial personality disorder

2. True. Biological sex, gender identity, and gender expression are all different. (See

3. True. A crisis may be different from a problem or an emergency. (See

4. Resilience (see

5. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

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