
Monday, October 28, 2019

Five Things to Focus on to Pass the ASWB Exam

Blog pal, exam tutor, Ray Batista published Five Tips for Getting Your Social Work License This Year at the beginning of the year. Now that the year's winding down, it's either time to turbo-charge your efforts on your January resolutions and get the exam passed, or time to strategize passing soon after the calendar changes over. Either way, it's time!

Summarizing the post:

Get started early. While some states require internship hours before sitting for any ASWB exam, others allow you to take them much earlier. Find out how things work in your state and, if you can, get ready to pass the exam while your textbook learning is fresh.

Partialize. Partializing isn't just something  you can tell clients to help them achieve their goals. It's also a way to achieve yours. Take small bites. They're easier to digest. Study what you can, when you can, pacing yourself. Study smarter, not harder.

Practice. How else do you know what it'll feel like to sit down for the long, long test? How else do you know what you need to spend extra time learning? Practice tests are your friend.

Pass with others. Find study partners IRL or online. Coach and support each other. Sometimes having to help someone learn a difficult topic is the best way to get it fully understood.

Focus on the "why." It's easy to get frustrated with all the hoops you have to jump through to get licensed. Remember why you're getting licensed. Remember why you got into social work in the first place.

Ray doesn't just blog, he tutors. Contact him through his site. Tell him Pass the ASWB Exam sent you.

Happy studying and good luck on the exam!

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