
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Quick Quiz: Name That Diagnosis III

The biggest gimmes on the ASWB exam--quick, easy items that take no real though--are questions, increasingly rare, that lean on facts alone and not on synthesizing all parts of your social work knowledge. If you know your stuff, a simple DSM question is as easy as answering 1+1. This symptom for that length of time? Got it. 

So here's a quick quiz to help build your gimme muscles. Your job: Name That Diagnosis. Knock it out of the park!

1. Repeated voiding of urine into bed or clothes, whether voluntary or intentional after age five.

2. Fear or anxiety about social situations in which the individual is exposed to scrutiny by others.

3. Repeated regurgitating of food for at least one month. 

4. Excessive anxiety and worry about a number of events or activities.

5. Mood swings, irritability, depressed mood, and/or anxiety along with anhedonia, lethargy, concentration difficulties, appetite change, sleep problems, a sense of being overwhelmed, and/or physical symptoms in the final weeks before the onset of menses. 

What do you think? 

If you come across a question that reads something direct like, "A client describes excessive anxiety and worry about a number of events or activities. What is the BEST diagnosis for this client?" count yourself lucky, mark your answer, and move along. Most exam questions are as straightforward as that. Instead expect more difficulty--curveballs, sliders, and change-ups (for baseball fans). Baseball fan or not, to get better prepared for the licensing exam, get exposed to lots and lots of realistic practice questions like the ones at SWTP. You'll be glad you did come exam day.

Ready for the answers? Scroll down....

1. Enuresis 

2. Social Anxiety Disorder

3. Rumination Disorder

4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

5. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

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