
Monday, October 1, 2018

Quick Quiz: Name That Diagnosis IV

Let's dig back into the DSM and get quizzing. All in the name of ASWB exam preparation. Your job: Name that diagnosis!

1. Intrusion symptoms, avoidance, and cognitive alterations following exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence.

2. In children, a consistent pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn behavior, emotional and social disturbance following extremes of insufficient care.

3. Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states with recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events.

4. Falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms associated with identified deception.

5. Self-reported excessive sleepiness including lapses into sleep during the day, more than hours of nonrestorative sleep, or difficulty being awake after abrupt awakening.

Have answers for all of them?

The social work licensing exam, as we've stated before, doesn't generally include questions that are direct as these quiz questions. Expect vignettes more like the ones you see on practice tests (like the ones at SWTP). Still, it's great to know as much of the fact-based info that may appear on the exam as you can. That way, you'll be able to speed more quickly through any more simple questions and hopefully give yourself a little room to answer a lower percentage of the tricky, close-call vignette questions correctly. 

Good luck!

Answers below. Scroll down...……

1. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

2. Reactive Attachment Disorder

3. Dissociative Identity Disorder

4. Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self  (Note: When symptoms are presented in another--by proxy--the diagnosis is Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another)

5. Hypersomnolence Disorder

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