
Monday, October 8, 2018

Quick Quiz: Ethics Fill-in-the-Blanks II

How well do you know the NASW Code of Ethics? Let's test your knowledge.

Here's the bulk of section 1.09, Sexual Relationships. Minus the blanks. Your task: fill them.

(a) Social workers should ___________________ [when] engage in sexual activities, inappropriate sexual communications through the use of technology or in person, or sexual contact with current clients, whether such contact is consensual or forced.

(b) Social workers should not engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with clients' relatives or other individuals with whom clients maintain a close personal relationship when there is a risk of __________________________ [consequence]. 

(c) Social workers should not engage in ________________________ [behavior] with former clients because of the potential for harm to the client. If social workers engage in conduct contrary to this prohibition or claim that an exception to this prohibition is warranted because of extraordinary circumstances, it is social workers--not their clients--who assume the full burden of demonstrating that the former client has not been exploited, coerced, or manipulated, intentionally or unintentionally.

(d) Social workers should not provide ______________ to individuals with whom they have had a prior sexual relationship. Providing _______________ to a former sexual partner has the potential to be harmful to the individual and is likely to make it difficult for the social worker and individual to maintain appropriate professional boundaries.

What do you think?

It's not really your job to have every line of the Code of Ethics memorized. The idea here is to get you to think that little bit extra about what's in the Code and be that much more ready to pass the ASWB exam because of it. Done!

Scroll down for answers....

A. under no circumstances

B. exploitation or potential harm to the client

C. sexual activities or sexual contact

D. clinical services

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