
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Quick Quiz: Ethics Fill-in-the-Blanks III

Next up in our tour through quizzified sections of the NASW Code of Ethics, 1.03, Informed Consent. Your task: summon, through memory and common sense deduction, the missing phrases from each paragraph. Aka, fill in the blank!

(a) Social workers should provide services to clients only in the context of a professional relationship based, when appropriate, on valid informed consent. Social workers should use clear and understandable language to inform clients of the___________ of the services, ___________related to the services, limits to services because of the requirements of a third-party payer, relevant costs, reasonable alternatives, clients' right to refuse or withdraw consent, and the time frame covered by the consent. Social workers should provide clients with an opportunity to ask questions. 

(b) In instances when clients are not literate or have difficulty understanding the primary language used in the practice setting, social workers should take steps to _____________________. This may include providing clients with a detailed verbal explanation or arranging for a qualified interpreter or translator whenever possible. 

(c) In instances when clients lack the capacity to provide informed consent, social workers should protect clients' interests by ________________________________________, informing clients consistent with the clients' level of understanding. In such instances social workers should seek to ensure that the third party acts in a manner consistent with clients' wishes and interests. Social workers should take reasonable steps to enhance such clients' ability to give informed consent. 

(d) In instances when clients are receiving services involuntarily, social workers should provide information about the nature and extent of services and about the extent of clients' right to _______________. 

This is not easy. Don't beat yourself up for not getting these. Instead, give yourself a pat on the back for attempting them. You've just reviewed the first part of the Informed Consent section of the Code of Ethics, material that is very likely to show up somewhere in the 170 questions on your social work licensing exam. Nice work!

For the answers, scroll down...………….

a1) purpose
a2) risks
b) ensure clients' comprehension
c) seeking permission from an appropriate third party
d) refuse service

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